
Now, I don’t actually own a Mac, but there’s no such thing as “Sad HP G42” so for theatrical purposes, I’m using this pic.

I am so SORRY FabNerds! It’s been almost two weeks since my last post. Since the implementation of the Nerdy and Fabulous Mission Statement, this is the longest I have gone without posting.

At first, it was because of spring break. “Two days without blogs wouldn’t hut anyone,” I said. “It’ll be fine.”

FabNerds, you all know by now that nothing good happens when I start talking to myself in italics. Two days turned into a week and in the days that follow calamity ensued.You probably saw if you follow me on Twitter*, but in case you missed it you can read the whole thing here.

Basically, my laptop is dead. I want to try and save it, but the end of the semester is to busy for me to go out and try and do something about it, so it’ll have to wait until the summer. I’m sure that you understand that this is totally scary and awful. Imagine, no laptop – no internet (I can only get Wifi on my phone sometimes), no way to watch SMASH!**

This is how I feel.

This also means that I have to go to the library when I need a computer. And since I’m in the midst of End of Semester Craziness when I’m at the library, I really need to be doing school work and not blogging about hats, Ben Affleck, OR The Feminine Mystique.

However, I am fortunate enough that I have wonderful parents who are currently sending me a Backup Laptop. So, in a few days, I will be using that and blogging my little heart out!

And don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten that I owe you March’s Monthly Obsession. Plus, I’ve got some other cool things in the works.

Wish me Luck,



P.S. Speaking of Catastrophes, please enjoy an apology video featuring one of my favorite songs about one of my least favorite animals:

*And why don’t you? Look at the sidebar, I’m great at Twitter. And Instagram. Follow me on both @TheFabJessGoing

** Well, you know, except for on TV…

Today’s Blog is from Storify

FabNerds! It used to be that on Storify, you could post directly to your wordpress. Apparently that is not the case anymore. Which I didn’t know until I wrote today’s post. You can view it there until I figure out how to fix this problem.

Until then, I want to give you lovely FabNerds a little bit of a bonus to today’s post. If you saw I was awarding points to people who go my SMASH reference – and if you’ve been paying attention you would realize that it was #imintech. This is reference to Karen’s infamous line in episode 13 of season one, and since there is not video of it ON THE ENTIRE INTERNET, I will recreate it here.


Scene: A charming little restaurant in Boston. Bombshell is in tech rehearsals for it’s out of town tryout. DEV has just come up from the city to surprise KAREN because he feels guilty about making out with his co-worker. He has to do something drastic.

DEV: Will you marry me?

Long pause. KAREN looks distraught and confused.

KAREN: I can’t get married. I’m in tech.

Now Dev is sad…and off the show.

And that’s how you refuse a proposal, folks! To quote the amazing recap of the episode on Vulture“‘I’m in tech.’ Just think of it! Think of all the various unpleasant states of beings this could effectively deflect! I can’t file my taxes, I’m in tech! I can’t be fat, I’m in techNo, I can’t motherfucking hold, I’M IN TECH.” 

Truth be told, after seeing this episode last year, I realized I had to go audition for more shows on campus so I could “be in tech.” Last week, I was so excited I almost forgot that I’m actually in a show and not technical rehearsals. The Roommate, being incredibly supportive as always, even offered to propose to me this week so I could be all: “NO! I’M IN TECH!”

But alas, my tech week is over and I must go get my laundry before I leave for my show tonight. And in honor of Theatre, I end this post with my other favorite SMASH moment. It speaks for itself.

Did you know that was an original song? Yeah, someone wrote that in this century.

Break a Leg,
