How I Valentine’s



This is how I feel everyday.

Happy Valentine’s Day FabNerds! Hope you are all enjoying the magic of Feb 14 that I have waxed poetic on several times in the two years this blog has been around. In case you’ve missed it, here’s a quick recap of my thoughts on the holiday:

Valentine’s Day is awesome. It is not just a day for couples and commercialism (though what’s so bad about that, really?) it’s about remembering to be kind to those around you and treat everyone with love. And it’s about wearing lots of pink and red.

So without another V-Day Tirade I thought I’d share a little bit about some of the ways I have enjoyed today in chronological order…

2:03 AM: In the early hours of Valentine’s Day I finally finished Beautiful Ruins by Jess Walter – a book that I have been reading off and on since May. It’s a scrumptious read and the only reason it took me so long to get through was because each chapter is like a full three-course meal and you need to break for a few weeks before indulging again. I don’t want to give anything away, but the last chapter opens with this epic, subversive, valentine that I think was a perfect start to the day.


 10:00 AM: Time to get all pink and red out! This year it was a pink lace blazer with my “Love Conquers Hate” (in Russian) protest tee. This is the only time of year where my wardrobe is not considered totally tacky. Or is at least is encouraged to be tacky.



11:42 AM: I texted everyone a Happy Valentine’s Day (separately, of course) including my brother who sent me a very sweet message back.


2:00 PM: Went out to lunch with former Valentine’s-Hater friend. We went to a little Italian bakery and if my enthusiasm for 2-14-14 didn’t change her mind, these cookies certainly did.


4:35 PM: Because this day is not just about me, I donated a Valentine’s Day meal to a person in need via God’s Love We Deliver – an organization that makes and delivers meals to people living HIV/AIDS, cancer and other serious illnesses in New York City. $10 provided a full dinner plus two Valentine’s-themed desserts. Very lovely.

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5:00 PM: Hey! I’m not heartless! I like to indulge in the occasional couple-y romantic V-Day fare too. This included crying of Google’s homepage and my love of Ira Glass and watching this beautiful version of “Ten Minutes Ago” from Roger’s And Hammerstein’s Cinderella.

7:12 PM: I started to write this blog post, a process which included to my annual google -image search of Valen-pics like this one…

8:30 PM: I’m jumping a bit into my future, but after posting this I’m planning to bake little heart-shaped cakes for some of my nearest and dearest. They will probably not look like this, but let’s stay optimistic.

And that’s my day! Hope your Valentine’s was just a delightful FabNerds. And if it wasn’t, you still have four hours to make it wonderful!

Love the Love,





Our First Wednesday Blog…

… Will be postponed until tomorrow FabNerds. I was at a Red Sox game with my Dad and we stuck around afterward to watch part of the Bruins game outside a bar next door. Thank god for smart phones or I wouldn’t even be able to get this much out before the midnight deadline.

Until Tomorrow,


Update: Lost both games, but I got a fab hat!
