Monthly Obsessions #1 – January

Welcome FabNerds! Today marks the beginning of a exciting new segment here at Nerdy and Fabulous Headquarters – Monthly Obsessions. This is where I get to share the FIVE THINGS I HAVE BEEN THINKING ABOUT DAY AND NIGHT FOR THE LAST MONTH. If you can’t tell, I’m really stoked to share these things. So, as a clichéd cheerleader would say: “Ready? OK!”

1. Baby Lips

So I don’t know why this commercial totally captivated me this month, but it did. I think it’s a combination of my love of lip products and the fact that this new chap stick from Maybelline looks like grown up Bonne Bell Lip Smackers*…Anyway, I am in love. I only have the peppermint flavor right now (the green one) because everything else was sold out, but it is amazing. It’s smooth and refreshing. I also have this delusion that when I put it one it makes my breath fresh. It doesn’t, but it does make me feel better.

2. Argo: The Ben Affleck Story

OK, so I touched on this briefly in my last post, but I’m like totally obsessed and proud of this good ol’ Boston boy. Let’s do a quick recap of his life, shall we: Brother to Casey. Best Friends with Matt Damon. Starts the acting thing. Writes Good Will Hunting with him (so we are told, though I still don’t believe he did much). Wins an Oscar. Does some blockbusters. Everyone is comparing him to Matt, who is making some pretty deep films (relatively speaking).

And then it just goes down hill. Bennifer happens. He makes Daredevil and a slew of other crap movies.  He is the basically the screw up. Then he marries Sydney Bristo- I mean Jennifer Gardner and has a couple kids and starts directing. Though Gone Baby Gone and The Town were both fairly well-received they were also fairly predictable Boston movies, which for some reason are really in vogue right now. But then there’s Argo and it’s like zing! He’s actually really talented. It’s a wonderful underdog story – minus the Oscar snub. But he’s winning everything else so he should be proud. Way to go Ben.

3.  The Lizzie Bennet Diaries

Aka. The thing that defines and consumes my life. No, really. For those who don’t know, LBD (as we of the fandom call it) is an interactive web adaptation of Pride and Prejudice. Here Lizzie is an American grad student who keeps a video blog where she talks about her friends, her sisters, her marriage-obsessed mother, and -of course- the mysterious douche bag known as Darcy (Lizzie’s words, not mine). What’s kind of awesome about it is that the story spans through all sorts of online media. The character’s have facebooks and tumblrs and, most importantly twitter. Well, most important for me anyway. Literally when a character tweets my world stops and I have to stare at it for hours and hours until another character tweets and so on and so forth.

It’s a fabulous retelling of an already fabulous story. I can’t really say anymore because then I’ll never get anything done. If you haven’t started watching yet, here’s the first episode. If you are already a fan, tweet me @TheFabJessGoing and we can talk about what’s happening with Lydia.

4. This is My Jam

I learned about this sweet website from a fictional LBD character’s twitter and I realize I should be more ashamed of that, but I can’t be because it’s too cool. This is my Jam let’s you pick the one song you are currently obsessed with (totally up my alley already) and share it with your friends. You can only pick one song a week so it’s kind of a big deal, but it all gets added to your ultimate playlist. Really cool. You should all join and follow me. This is not just a ploy for followers, but it really is.

5. Pitch Perfect

I just saw this movie a few nights ago and it is Aca-perfect. This funny, sweet campy movie about collegiate Acapella is everything that I secretly loved in high school. Just watch this clip and you’ll see that it is amazing.

So that was our first Monthly Obsession. What’d we think? Now I’m late for class** so I gotta end it here.

See you Friday,



*I tried to find a Lip Smackers commercial to compare to the Baby Lips one, but all I found were these weird tributes to the 80s classic. If you have a lot of free time on your hands you should check it out.

**Don’t worry Mom, I’m not really late.